The Practical Joke Strikes Back
But seriously, whatever happened to the practical joke? I’m pretty sure that if you were to ask any given person this question, they’d end up lovingly reminiscing about “that one time they played a really good practical joke on someone.” Maybe they stuck their sleeping buddy’s hand in warm water and made him pee his pants. That’s pretty funny, right? Or maybe they drew a mustache and swastika on their friend’s face while they were sleeping. Oh, sleeping Hitler! Or maybe, just maybe, they went with a combination of the two, because honestly, there’s nothing quite like the image of Hitler waking up and peeing himself.
These are all good choices. But what makes the practical joke appealing isn’t the specific joke you end up pulling off. No, the rewarding aspect comes from your moment of triumph. It’s the feeling you get when after all the careful plotting and planning, you’re finally able to watch your sister unknowingly shampoo her hair with what she thinks is Herbal Essences, but what really turns out to be liquid Drano. It’s the moment when you push someone to the level of comedic embarrassment and exploit them in a way that may not have been possible otherwise. There’s honestly nothing quite like it. I ask you this: is there anything comparable to the rush you get from watching the little girl in pigtails in front of you sitting on a clandestinely-placed whoopee cushion? What about the elderly man who walks unwittingly into a just-polished steel bear trap neatly tucked in his walk-in closet? Instant hilarity. So what actually happened to the practical joke? Just where the hell did it go and why did we abandon it?
The immediate response might be, “Oh, well we outgrew it.” Something that happens when you become an adult is you tend to leave certain things behind. Teddy Bears. Pacifiers. Sucking-Dairy-Products-That-Come-Out-Of-Your-Mother’s-Nipples. Yeah, it’s pretty fucking gross reflecting on that one, huh? Well deal with it. You’re an adult. But maybe it’s not supposed to be that way: perhaps we were conditioned to leave these things behind.
Practical jokes, by nature, are mean-spirited. Let’s not kid around here: there’s nothing nice about taking pleasure in watching someone else suffer embarrassment. As kids we’re traditionally taught to be nice, act polite, and always treat others with respect. Hence the ‘Do unto others’ mentality. The problem with this little way of living your life is that it’s no fun at all. But what alternative do we have? You can’t just go around nipple-sucking your Mom left and right with a teddy bear dragging in tow . That’s not only morally reprehensible, but also disgusting due to the fact that nobody but women from the 1930’s legitimately enjoy warm milk. Really. I challenge any one person who is both living in the year 2005 and free of mental retardation to enjoy a glass of warm milk. It’s absolutely disgusting. To those non-retarded 2K5-ers who still claim to enjoy it—imagine it coming from your mom’s boobs. Yeah, that did the trick, didn’t it? You’ll never want to drink warm milk again.
You will, however, want to engage in a practical joke in the near future. Why? Because out of the many options you have to reconnect with your inner-child, this is one that doesn’t involve regressing into a creepy Oedipal phase. So if I haven’t made it abundantly clear to you thus far, let me spell it out for you: it’s high time you got out there and resumed playing practical jokes on people. But you’re going to have to up the ante now that you’ve reached adulthood. No more stupid store-bought tricks like bug-in-an-ice-cube or gum-that-looks-real-but-tastes-like-peppery-shit. You’ve grown up. So must your jokes.
What does this mean? Well, possibly a number of things. One thing that all adults love to do is make something topical. Anything’s fair game if it’s got a political or headline-news-oriented spin to it! For instance, are you finding the standard whoopee cushion gag to be a little too juvenile? Why not slyly place a dead bird contaminated with Avian Flu under your boss’ seat at the next board meeting instead? It’s topical as hell, and he’ll be sure to get a kick (as well as Avian Flu) out of it! Or how about the old Vaseline on the doorknob trick? Spruce it up in this manner: instead of a doorknob, try sneaking into a terrorist country and coating as many WMD’s as possible in the old slippery substance. When the UN finally gets their hands on them, it’ll only last for a few seconds before they quite literally slip away for hours on end! Why, these WMD’s will even be slipperier and more elusive than the ones President Bush was after! These are just two excellent examples of how to topically spice up your jokes.
But as most people know, topical is not only intellectually stimulating, but also incredibly boring. The Yang to its Yin, so to speak. So another way to up the ante is to know your target audience. What makes a practical joke so entertaining is the ability to take advantage of someone: and who better to take advantage of than the elderly?
There’s no easier person to trick, fool, prank, or kill than the elderly man or woman. They literally live to have random shit thrown at them. And why not? Do they have anything better to do? Other than watching re-runs of Everybody Loves Raymond and only half-understanding an episode of Dr. Phil on account of their considerably inferior hearing (as opposed to the appropriately-aged human beings), they really have absolutely nothing to do with their lives. Think of playing a practical joke on them as doing them a favor. God knows they need it. Their idea of a good time is having their grandchild visit them and botch Hot Cross Buns on the recorder. No one should ever have to live that way. Which probably explains why they die so soon. So take that into account when you decide to prank them. Also take into account that since they are old, they are technically much more expendable than any normal person, and thus your jokes can be deadlier.
For instance, you could never get away with setting a five-year old girl on fire. That’s not only dangerous, but also a serious criminal offense. But setting a retirement home on fire? Now that’s entertainment! Hell, they’ll be gone soon anyway! If I was an elderly man confined to a wheelchair, I’d gladly prefer the excitement of escaping from a burning building while my friends were on fire playing Bingo over the alternative of never being visited for months on end by my family because they forgot I was alive. But hey, you’re not only helping the elderly by doing this, but also indulging yourself in one of those regressive pleasures that you haven’t been able to indulge in for years.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start doing it! At the risk of sounding like a self-help book or Dr. Seuss’ Oh, The Places You’ll Go! I’ll try to refrain from becoming too preachy—but let’s face it: the possibilities are endless. Just remember that while practical jokes may be fun, moderation is the key. So in the meanwhile, go out and live life as the adult you were conditioned to be—but while you’re at it, you may as well throw a few thumbtacks in grandma’s cereal. Tell her they’re marshmallows. Marshmallows that give you tetanus. She’ll thank you later.